Trafaret Cifr Ot 1 Do 10 Format A4
It does not stipulate the form, content, or record structure of the data within. 10 Indicator length One numeric digit giving the length of the indicators. Toned r = stencil colour s = handcoloured u = unknown x = not applicable (item not a colour. Finger notation French tablature German Tabulatur Spanish Cifra, tablatura.
Thank you for the expanded explanation. I'm going to experiment. Anna 'Peter Duniho' wrote in message news:esw9%23nHlKHA.1652@TK2MSFTNGP05.phx.gbl.
> Anna wrote: >> 'Anna' wrote in message >> news:OXsm3jtkKHA.5820@TK2MSFTNGP06.phx.gbl. >>> I'r like to save my RTF-file (text frommy RichTextBox) in A4 format and >>> landscape.
>>> Saving as RTF-file isn't the problem, but can't find any solution to add >>> some information for A4 and landscape. >>> The intention is that when a user opens the RTF-file using Ms Word, the >>> page is in A4 format and in landcape. >>> >>> Any suggestions? >> >> anyone?
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> > Sorrydidn't notice your question earlier. That said, it's not really a > C# or.NET question, so your ability to get useful advice here is limited. > > The settings you're talking about paper size and orientation are > printer settings, not document attributes. Many programs do in fact save > printer settings with their document files, but AFAIK this isn't inherent > in the RTF format. > > It's possible that RTF defines a way to escape arbitrary kinds of data.
In > which case, depending on how you're accessing the printer settings > themselves, you may be able to store the specific data in the RTF > document. But such data would still only be specifically accessible by > your application; lacking a specification for storing that data, no other > application would understand it. > > All of the above is with respect to printer settings generally (which > include far more than just the paper size and orientation). However, > looking at the RTF specification, it appears that there is support for > those two specific settings. > > The ' pszN' control word allows you to define paper sizes (I don't know > the specific value you need to use for N to get A4, but you should be able > to look that up as easily as I could), and you can use ' landscape' to > change the document default to landscape, or the ' lndscpsxn' control word > to have a specific section within the document be specified as landscape. > > Keep in mind, however, that you might have to track these properties > independently of the RichTextBox control.
Those properties aren't going > to be useful to the control itself, and if it does any sort of parsing or > filtering on RTF when the text for the control is set, it might just > discard those control words if it sees them.