Teoriya Z Uiljyama Ouchi Kniga
San Francisco Halau, Wednesday nights, 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm: 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm is devoted to hula with all class levels in attendance. From keiki (children), women and men (beginners, intermediate, advance), we focus on the fundamentals of hula and learn any given song Kumu teaches. Covering all fundamentals of Hula to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing your voice in getting accustomed to the language of Hawai'i ('Olelo). Also learning/teaching the various dances in both the Hula 'Auana (contemporary) and Hula Kahiko (traditional).
RINGATU TRADITIONS OF PREDICTIVE HISTORY 169 Only showered for a minute. That's aroha. Spiritually, eh? Taha wairua.. You know, when I saw the rainbow this morning, it was just standing over there on, must be a visitor! That's why I never moved out! I was expecting somebody to come!
8:30 pm - 9:30 pm, Adult class consisting of beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers for both men and women focusing on the fundamentals of Ori Tahiti. Covering all fundamentals of Tahitian dance to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing the voice in getting accustomed to the language of Tahiti ('Orero). Also learning/teaching the various routines to include but not limited to the ote'a, aparima and ahupurtu. San Jose Halau, Thursday nights, 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm: 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm is strictly dedicated to the keiki (children) class covering both Hula and Ori Tahiti. Keiki are instructed in all fundamentals of both disciplines of dance.
8:00 pm - 9:00 pm, Adult class consisting of beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers for both men and women focusing on the fundamentals of Hula. Covering all fundamentals of Hula to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing your voice in getting accustomed to the language of Hawai'i ('Olelo).
Also learning/teaching the various dances in both the Hula 'Auana (contemporary) and Hula Kahiko (traditional). 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm, Adult class consisting of beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers for both men and women focusing on the fundamentals of Ori Tahiti. Covering all fundamentals of Tahitian dance to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing the voice in getting accustomed to the language of Tahiti ('Orero). Also learning/teaching the various routines to include but not limited to the ote'a, aparima and ahupurtu. Pleasant Hill Halau, Sunday mornings, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm: 9:00 am - 10:00 am, Adult class consisting of beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers for both men and women focusing on the fundamentals of Hula. Covering all fundamentals of Hula to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing your voice in getting accustomed to the language of Hawai'i ('Olelo). Saravanan meenakshi serial latest episode.
Also learning/teaching the various dances in both the Hula 'Auana (contemporary) and Hula Kahiko (traditional). 10:00 am - 11:00 am, Adult class consisting of beginner, intermediate and advanced dancers for both men and women focusing on the fundamentals of Ori Tahiti.
Covering all fundamentals of Tahitian dance to include footwork, handwork, core muscles and also utilizing the voice in getting accustomed to the language of Tahiti ('Orero). Also learning/teaching the various routines to include but not limited to the ote'a, aparima and ahupurtu. 11:00 am - 11:30 am, Tahitian Drumming. Hercules is the only location which offers a Tahitian drumming class. Learning the techniques of how to properly play the many different drum beats (pehe) and proper names of each pehe. Drums used but not limited to are the following: toere, pahu, pahu tupai, fa'atete. 11:30 am - 1:00 pm is strictly dedicated to the keiki (children) class covering both Hula and Ori Tahiti.