How To Get Computer Serial Number In Vbnet
Get H/D Serial number (Not Volumn Serial Number) for IDE and SATA. Browse other questions tagged serial-number or ask. Get the real serial number of Hard. Aug 6, 2015 - This tutorial is all about getting and displaying the hard disk serial number for a complete disk but not in just a single drive using Now, let's start this tutorial! Get the hardware serial no. If wmi_HD('SerialNumber') = '.
This CD contains some nVidia Detonator drivers for 'Point of View' graphics cards. Intel driver. Get mother board serial numbers and CPU IDs in. Management Instrumentation, Visual Basic.NET, VB.NET.
Computer & ' root. I assume that you want to generate an ID that is unique to the machine. Hard drive is probably the easiest approach because other hardware is too diverse to have a set way of retrieving their serial numbers. Probably the easiest is to use the number that Windows generates for the hard drive.
You can find it under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE SYSTEM MountedDevices and the key name is DosDevices C: (assuming that the C: drive is the main system drive - which is not the case in some very rare cases, but then you can check for what the system drive is and use the appropriate key). There's another number associated with Hard drives called UUID and you can find scripts to get that. For example: for Windows. Or for Linux. I also found this article on retrieving the motherboard's serial number.
What thatraja didn't mention, and probably doesn't know about, is that these methods don't work for all hard drives. Overall, there are I think 4 different methods for retrieving the hard drive serial number, so long as they are not in a RAID configuration. Which of the methods works depends on the drive. How to install flexisign 8.1 free. There is no way to tell ahead of time which will work and which don't. You'd have to write code to try all 4 methods, then evaluate the return data for your actual value. No, I don't have example code.
I prefer (and use) the following function: Public Function GetDriveSerialNumber() As String Dim DriveSerial As Integer ' Create a FileSystemObject object Dim fso As Object = CreateObject( ' Scripting.FileSystemObject') Dim Drv As Object = fso.GetDrive(fso.GetDriveName(Application.StartupPath)) With Drv If.IsReady Then DriveSerial =.SerialNumber Else ' 'Drive Not Ready!' DriveSerial = -1 End If End With Return DriveSerial.ToString( ' X2') End Function Perhaps the Thread-Starter likes it too. Pdf john coltrane my favorite things sheet music youtube.
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• If a question is poorly phrased then either ask for clarification, ignore it, or edit the question and fix the problem. Insults are not welcome. • Don't tell someone to read the manual. Chances are they have and don't get it. Foundations of artificial intelligence and expert systems by janakiraman ebook. Provide an answer or move on to the next question. Let's work to help developers, not make them feel stupid. - Find harddisc serial number A lot of times you need to get the serial number of the harddisc of the user for all kind of purpeses. Here you can learn how to do it fast and easy with Here is a copy of the function I used in this software: Public Function GetHDSerialNo(ByVal strDrive As String) As String 'Get HD Serial Number 'Ensure Valid Drive Letter Entered, Else, Default To C If strDrive = ' OrElse strDrive Is Nothing Then strDrive = 'C' End If Dim moHD As New ManagementObject('Win32_LogicalDisk.DeviceID='' + strDrive + ':'') 'Get Info moHD.[Get]() Return moHD('VolumeSerialNumber').ToString() End Function.