Hd Loader Ps2 Fat Seri
Hd Loader Ps2 Fat Seri. 2/18/2018 0 Comments. Tematicheskij trenazher po russkomu yaziku gorbacevich otveti. Hook a new 2.5' SATA HDD in your fat PS2. For your PS2 but at all. BTW, Remember using HD Loader 48bit for.
ADAPTOR PS2 SLIM TYPE 7000x Adaptor PS2 Slim kualitas bagus,berat menyerupai aslinya, tahan lama, cocok untuk semua type ps2 slim seri 7000x,75000x, 79000x Rp 135.000,- KABEL AV_tw/kw Kabel AV ini menyerupai kabel AV ori,dimana fungsi dan penggunaanya sama,kualitasnya hampir sama untuk menampilkan audio video Playstation Rp 35.000,- ADAPTER NETWORK PS2 TEBAL Adapter Network Tw PS2 bisa untuk booting hardisk,NA tw ini suport untuk semua jenis hd loader, baik yang masih asli atau sudah di modifikasi Background gambarnya Rp 250.000,- MMC 8MB PS2_tw Memory Card Ps2 8MB tw. Rp 50.000,- STIK PS2 ANALOG_tw STIK TW PS2 bentuk & fungsinya sama seperti stik original, hanya beda kualitas saja. Rp 40.000,- FLASHDISC 32 GB FULL GAME + MMC BOOTING Kapasitas flashdisk ini cukup besar,32GB bisa memuat -+30 game ps2,praktis,mudah dibawa,flashdisknya juga dapat menyimpan file lain. Paket terdiri: 1 Flash disk 32GB sudah full game ps2 1. Mc booting cocok untuk semua type ps2 tebal dan ps2 slim, langsung play tanpa pasang ic matrix (kecuali type ps2 slim 9000x). EDIT: I just realized that my version is NOT compatible with a hard drive, as it is a 7500 and not a 70xx model.
I still want this thread open while I hunt down a 70xx. I have been using my ps2 slim to play my backups over network using OPL for a long time now but recently I saw that my model actually has the hardware to support an IDE drive.
I was thinking of doing this myself and using an IDE to SD adapter to run games off the SD card. I was thinking of using this adapter because it is so small! Also I have seen this post on here but all images are gone: Found this (printed ribbons): Does anyone know where I can get a ribbon cable printed so I don't have wires all over the place?. Apr 18, 2014 Kaspersky Anti- Virus 2014 Terbaru Full Crack Seri. Cara Upgrade Browser V. 2.00 PS2 Fat HDD-OSD 1.10U. Game PS2 (HD Loader format).
Also if anyone has done this before I would love any advice you can give. While i have done a fair amount of soldering I am far from being an expert. Any advice/input would be greatly appreciated, mkmk4. Why not just buy one from maxdiypower? I can't say that I've heard 100% positive things about that kit, but he's the only one selling such a kit (that I know of).
If you don't want to struggle with soldering, then you should get a PlayStation 2 model that was actually designed to support the HDD unit (SCPH-55000 series and earlier) and a network adaptor. FYI, even if you do add such a kit onto a SCPH-70000 series console, it will not support FHDB because its boot ROM doesn't support the HDD unit. That's because USB is far slower than ATA. Click to expand.I actually added that link after I made the thread, so i would actually be using that kit most likely. The main reason I want to do this is because I love the slim model way more than the fat model and its more about doing the mod rather than using it (as I think many modders will understand). I simply think it would be badass to have a slim ps2 with a SD card slot on the side.
I wouldn't be using FHDB I would just use FreeMcBoot on the memory card and have all my apps on the SD card. Do you happen to know any other limitations when doing this kind of setup? Please tell me more about this HDPro! If I can do it on the slim I have now (7500) maybe it would be worth it. You say it is 'crap', could you please explain this? EDIT: seems that the interface is slower for some reason. This was back in 2011, I am curious what developments have happened between then and now.
I have actually seen a video on Youtube where the person had one of these case mod where the HDD was in the bottom of the slim console. I have never seen one of these for sale though. Click to expand.wisi created a clone of it, and explained how it works: It's crap because it's connected to the PS2 through a Modbo 4 modchip. Modchips aren't exactly healthy for the console because they will manipulate the signal levels of whatever they are connected to - it's essentially bus contention. But the issue that I was bringing up, was that it doesn't support DMA; its driver uses the IOP to copy data with PIO, so it's very slow and may result in threading issues (due to CPU time taken away for the copying process). Not to mention that the software must explicitly support the HDPro.
Normal software that support the HDD unit will not support the HDPro HDD unit. Wisi created a clone of it, and explained how it works: It's crap because it's connected to the PS2 through a Modbo 4 modchip. Modchips aren't exactly healthy for the console because they will manipulate the signal levels of whatever they are connected to - it's essentially bus contention. But the issue that I was bringing up, was that it doesn't support DMA; its driver uses the IOP to copy data with PIO, so it's very slow and may result in threading issues (due to CPU time taken away for the copying process). Click to expand.I would just like to start by saying thank you sp193 very much for all this input!