Dungeon Siege 2 Savegame Editor
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Dungeon Siege - Editing Stats +-----------------------+ Editing Multiplayer Character Stats +-----------------------+ WRITTEN BY HEAT Contents - 1) What You Need 2) Getting Starting and Doing the Job 3) Cleaning Everything Up 4) Final Notes Introduction: This is my fourth FAQ for Dungeon Siege. This FAQ includes how to edit your character's stats in multiplayer. I hope you enjoy my FAQ! ------------------------------------------------------------- W H A T Y O U N E E D ~=========================~ You will need three programs to do this operation. TankViewer TankCreator SkritPad These programs can all be downloaded at www.game-editing.com!
How To Use TankViewer: TankViewer is simple to use and learn. It works just like Windows Explorer. Click the open button and find your ds[xxx] file and simply open it. Some files have been locked by other players and they cannot be opened! How To Use TankCreator: Be sure to have RTC.exe in the same directory you are using TankCreator. In 'Simple' mode simply select the folder you want to use as your tank and put that in your Input, and simply make a name of a new file in a folder in your Output.
On 'Advanced' mode you can lock your tank (NOT RECOMENDED ON SAVE GAME FILES OR MAPS) name your tank, and other things like Multiplayer Transfer. How To Use SkritPad: SkritPad is self-explanatory. It is just a remake of NotePad but makes it a little bit easier to read skrit by highlighting things such as values in blue.
--------------------------------------------------------------- G E T T I N G S T A R T E D A N D D O I N G T H E J O B ----===--------=====--------=====-------======------=====------== First you need to create a folder that's title is your save game file. If your save game file is Bob.dsparty, create a new folder named Bob.
Now, open TankViewer and go into My Documents Dungeon Siege Save. You should see Bob.dsparty, now open it. Thats how we start on all save game files! Now, open the file called 'party.gas' You should see many things such as your title and inventory. At the very bottom are your stats! Now, you may edit your stats in any way you want, but the values have to be valid or you might lose your character or all of their items (it happened to me while I was writing this). Now save all of your work and open TankCreator.
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Create your tank and your save game file with edited stats is complete! ----------------------------------------------------------------- C L E A N I N G E V E R Y T H I N G U P ~===========================================~ Now, its time to install the save game file and clean your act up. Copy your origonal save file just in case this doesnt work. You probably know what to do next, which is place the new save game file where the old one was. Time to test! Click on Multiplayer and then Network.
If your character worked congradulations! Try again because you made something invalid. --------------------------------------------------------------- F I N A L N O T E S ~=====================~ Here are my contacts: E-Mail Address: bcglheat@hotmail.com MSN Address: bcglheat@hotmail.com =) AIM Address: Heat54911 Dungeon Siege ID: Jadeheat -- Character(s) - Heat Luthe NEW CONTACTS!! ICQ Number: 161294365 Yahoo Instant Messenger: Heat54911 Virused e-mails dont work im afraid. They are immediatly shut off and they take up space.
I respond to all e-mails less than 40k. -= End of Document =- Copyright(c) 2002 The Light Guild(c) and Heat.