Chloe Bag Serial Numbers
All the Chloe bags I've seen have the tag fully stitched in. Does it have a serial number somewhere on the inside? The serial number would appear as such: XX-XX-XX (where the X's are numbers). However, even some fakes go so far as to have fake serial numbers.
When buying a handbag online, it is important to have the security of knowing that it is authentic. Brand Souk is a great place to buy some of the most sought after pre-owned designer items. We want to reassure you that what you are purchasing is 100% Authentic and that your complete satisfaction is our number one priority. Determining whether an item is authentic can be tricky. Manufacturers of counterfeit handbags have become more sophisticated in their efforts to cheat consumers. Every woman deserves to purchase genuine authentic designer handbags at affordable prices and should not have to worry whether it is authentic or fake.
That’s why we have taken the effort to put together a guide just for you! If you know a few basic things to look for, you will be able to spot a fake item in just a few minutes of your time. Here are some details that you should look for: Authenticity Card One of the first and easiest things to look for is an authenticity card. Many Designers including Fendi®, Prada®, and Christian Dior® include authenticity cards with their merchandise.
These cards have basic information about the merchandise such as the model number or a style number, a care booklet, and usually include a magnetic strip or a bar code Leather Cuts Look closely at the cut of the leather especially around the interior zippered pocket if the particular item has that feature. The cut should be exact all the way around the pocket. The length between the stitching and the edge of the leather should be the same all the way around as well. Any other leather cuts, such as the leather tabs that support the D rings on authentic bags, should also be quite perfect. Dust Bag Mostly all designer handbags come with dust bag.
The dust bag or sleeper bag with a drawstring closure is usually white cotton with the designer logo printed on the front. Zippers Unfortunately there isn't much help here in determining authenticity. There are typically no distinguishing characteristics such as the zipper manufacturer name as one would see on a Marc Jacobs bag for instance. And, the zippers may be made of metal or plastic. Simply make sure the zippers are sewn in straight and work properly.
Date and Authenticity Codes Most date codes are a combination of letters and numbers. The letters indicated the country in which the item was made while the numbers indicate the month/year of the production date. Following is an example showing date code explanation. Monogram Lining Most designer handbags will have their signature brand name monogram lining. The designer monogram is most often woven into the fabric, not stamped on the fabric.
The linings are always smooth, silky and some are even satin. The color of the lining depends on the outer color of the handbag but it is always complimentary. The lining on fake bags is usually a stiff fabric, or may feel abrasive. Serial Number Many designer handbags come with a serial number, usually found on the inside pocket. Just turn the pocket inside out and you might see an embossed printed number on the lining. Sometimes the serial number is engraved on a leather strip tag, like in Hermes®. Some of the newer Fendi® models also will have a hologram attached to a tag sewn into the lining of the bag.
Straps The straps on fake bags appear a little stiff, with the stitches used for sewing appearing in a different contrasting color. A bag with stitches that don’t appear straight, or is evenly spaced, Is usually a sure sign for being fake. When you view the side of the strap on a fake bag you will notice 'layers' of leather and vinyl.
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