Chertezh Korablya Hms Victory
Embark on an exciting journey of discovery. Build your own scale model HMS Victory tall ship – Lord Nelson's flagship at the legendary battle of Trafalgar. A 1:84 wooden scale model of the original vessel, this exquisite model details every feature of the original ship. This comes with everything you need to build an incredible and unique model – to the highest standards.
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Oneroof cyber cafe pro mcs server manual. Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Construction [ ] In December 1758,, in his role as head of the British government, placed an order for the building of 12 ships, including a ship that would become Victory. During the 18th century, Victory was one of ten first-rate ships to be constructed.
The outline plans were based on which had been launched at in 1756, and the naval architect chosen to design the ship was who, at the time, was the. She was designed to carry at least 100 guns. The commissioner of was instructed to prepare a for the construction. The was laid on 23 July 1759 in the Old Single Dock (since renamed No. 2 Dock and now Victory Dock), and a name, Victory, was chosen in October 1760. In 1759, the was going well for Britain; land victories had been won at and and had been won at. It was the, or Year of Miracles (or Wonders), and the ship's name may have been chosen to commemorate the victories or it may have been chosen simply because out of the seven names shortlisted, Victory was the only one not in use.